COVID-19 State Reopening Status
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 05:00:30 -05:00
Reopening plan: Phased Reopening 2020-4-30
Outline of plan:
Phase one of the reopening includes:
· Reopening non-essential businesses provided they follow certain health safety guidelines
· Monitoring health of employees
· Maintaining social distancing
· Limiting the number of customers inside businesses, increased sanitization efforts.
· All retail stores allowed to open at 50% capacity and following the health and safety guidelines.
· Beaches are open to groups of no more than 10 people per group and following the health and safety guidelines.
· .Non-emergency and elective medical procedures are allowed to resume.
Restaurants and bars are limited to take-out services.
Places of worship are to remain closed.
Reopening plan: Under Development
Outline of plan:
Phase One (after 14 days of declining infection numbers:
1. Opening of some non-essential businesses, including restaurants, if they can open with appropriate distancing. Groups of 20 people would be allowed.
2. Public facilities will remain closed. Ex. Pools, museums, playgrounds.
3. Face masks outside the home will be encouraged.
Phase Two (after 42 days of declining infection numbers:
1. Business open. Including sports and recreation facilities, bars, and public facilities.
2. Travel to be discouraged.
3. Social distancing and hand-washing encouraged.
Time Line –
2020-4-25 - Indoor gatherings up to 20 people, or 25% of a buildings maximum occupancy or 20 people outdoors are being allowed for social and religious gatherings.
Reopening plan: Phased Opening beginning 2020-5-4
Outline of plan:
2020-5-1: Elective surgeries will be allowed to resume when PPE and adequate supplies and safety policies are maintained.
2020-5-4: Retail businesses are allowed to sell goods through delivery service, window service, walk-up service, drive-through service, drive-up service or curbside delivery when social distancing and hygiene guidelines are maintained.
2020-5-8: Retail businesses can resume expanded in-person operations when social distancing and hygiene guidelines are maintained.
Reopening plan: Phased reopening started May 4, 2020
Outline of plan:
Phase 1:
· Vulnerable individuals are to remain sheltered in place
· Maximize physical distance in public
· No gatherings of more than 10 people
· Minimize non-essential travel
Phase 2:
· Vulnerable individuals are to remain sheltered in place
· Maximize physical distance in public
· No gatherings of more than 50 people
· Non – essential travel can resume
· Schools, Daycares and camps can reopen
· Visits to Senior centers and hospitals should be prohibited
· Large venues can operate under moderate physical distancing procedures
· Elective surgeries can resume
Phase 3:
· Vulnerable individuals can resume public interactions
· Low risk populations should minimize time in crowded environments
· Employers can resume unrestricted staffing
Time Line
· April 27 – beginning elective medical procedures and surgeries
· April 29 – opening restaurants
· April 30 – opening gyms
· May 1 – salons and barber shops
· May 4 – places of worship and large venues
Reopening plan: Under Development
Outline of plan:
A coalition with Washington and Oregon to determine when states can begin to reopen.
2020-5-1: Governor Newsom ordered all beaches to be closed.
Reopening plan: In phases after April 26th
Outline of Plan:
Phase 1 – Stay At home
· People are staying at home with limited exceptions
· Widespread suppression is required to stem exponential disease transmission
· Healthcare capacity still limited
· Testing and monitoring capacity is still being built
Phase 2 – Safer at home
· Most people still stay at home as much as possible and avoid unnecessary social interactions
· Strong protections for vulnerable populations
· Healthcare capacity is increasing
· Testing and monitoring capacity is increasing
Phase 3 – Protect Our Neighbors
· It’s safer for people to socialize more normally, while taking significant precautions
· Strong protections for vulnerable populations are still needed
· Testing and monitoring capacity working at scale Healthcare capacity is robust
Time Line
Apr 26th - expiration of Stay At Home Order
Apr 27th - Any retail curbside delivery allowed. Some non-essential businesses allowed to open with social distancing policy changes in Eagle County.
Mid-May – Restaurants and Bars allowed to resume business
Reopening plan: Under Development
Outline of plan:
A decision based on the criteria to reopen will be made by 5/20/2020
Reopening plan: None
Outline of plan:
Delaware has not yet met the criteria outlined by the Presidents reopening plan
Reopening plan: Under development with no published date
Outline of plan:
A task force assembled to develop the reopening plan will conduct its first meeting on 4/20/2020. Reopening is expected to occur in three phases. No schedule or conditions have been published for these phases.
2020-4-28 A face mask order has been added to the State of Emergency that requires people to wear a face mask when in public and cannot adhere to the 6ft rule.
Reopening plan: Phased reopening beginning 4/24/2020
Outline of plan:
Phase one is to begin with the opening of certain businesses including: including restaurants, gyms and hair salons.
Time Line:
April 24th - Non-essential businesses including fitness centers, tattoo studios, hair and nail salons, barbers, bowling alleys and massage therapy businesses are allowed to open if they comply with the state’s social distancing policies.
April 24th - Church services will resume if they comply with the state’s social distancing policies.
April 27th - Theaters and restaurants will be allowed to open if they comply with the state’s social distancing policies.
April 30th - General Stay at Home Order will expire
Bars and Nightclubs are to remain closed for now.
Reopening plan: Under Development
Outline of plan:
Hawaii has yet to meet the requirements to begin reopening.
Reopening plan: Phased opening beginning 2020-5-1
Outline of plan:
· Places of worship allowed to open
· Daycares, youth activities, and camps allowed to open
Nonessential businesses are to remain closed until 2020-5-16
Reopening plan: Phased Opening beginning 2020-5-1
Outline of plan:
On 2020-5-1 the following policies go into effect:
· Some State Parks will reopen. Fishing and boating will be allowed in groups of a maximum of 2 people. No hunting will be allowed. Parks will be allowed from sunrise to sunset, but all visitor centers, campgrounds, playgrounds, beaches and concessions will be closed.
· Golf courses will be allowed to reopen with social distancing policies in place.
· Essential businesses will be required to follow new guidelines including staggering workers’ shifts and limiting customers in the building at one time.
· Greenhouses, garden centers, nurseries, and pet groomers will be added to the essential businesses list.
· Some elective and nonemergency medical procedures will resume.
· Nonessential businesses will be allowed to reopen for telephone and online orders.
2020-5-1: All persons in public and above 2 years of age must wear a face mask when they cannot maintain 6 ft of social distancing.
Reopening plan: Reopening scheduled for 2020-4-30
Outline of plan: Governor has not issued any restrictions.
Reopening plan: Phased reopening 2020-5-1
Outline of plan:
· Restaurants will be allowed to reopen at 50% capacity
· Non-essential retail businesses and malls will be allowed to reopen at 50% capacity
· Fitness centers and gyms will be allowed to reopen at 50% capacity
· Race tracks will be allowed to reopen at 50% capacity
· Worship services may resume with all social distancing and hygiene policy adherence
· Events with no more than 10 people will be allowed.
Reopening plan: None published
Outline of plan:
The governor extended the Shelter in Place (Stay at Home) order until May 3, 2020.
Reopening plan: Published without date following closely to the White House’s recommended policy for reopening.
Outline of plan:
1. State-readiness evaluation.
2. Individual business-readiness evaluation.
Time Line – Elective surgeries and procedures such as diagnostic and radiology testing, as well as non-urgent, emergent, in-person office and ambulatory visits will be allowed starting 2020-4-27
Reopening plan: Phased reopening starting May 15
Outline of plan:
1. The governor has stated that the requirements for reopening laid out by the President’s task force have not yet been met but he expects the state to be on track by May 15, 2020.
2. No dates have been published for the phases of the plan
Reopening plan: Under Development
Outline of plan:
Criteria for reopening has not yet been met
Reopening plan: Under Development
Outline of plan:
Plan to be announced 4/24/2020
Reopening plan: Possible reopening before end of June
Outline of plan: The Governor states that if cases of COVID19 decline along with hospitalizations reopening of the state before the end of June could occur. At this time schools and non-emergency daycare centers will also remain closed through the end of June.
Reopening plan: Possible reopening before end of June
Outline of plan:
Plans to reopen before end of June if COVID-19 cases decline along with hospitalizations. School and non-emergency daycare closures will remain in effect until the end of June.
Reopening plan: Phased reopening beginning 4/18/2020
Outline of plan:
The Governor issued an Executive order starting April 18th allowing residents to partake in recreational activities: golfing, fishing, boating, hunting and hiking, while still following social distancing procedures. Some campgrounds and retailers selling recreational equipment will remain closed.
April 27th noncritical industrial, manufacturing and office-based businesses or nonprofits are eligible to reopen as long as they are not public-facing and follow guidelines. The guidelines will include allowing employees to telework when possible, doing daily health screenings for employees who come into work, and creating a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan that follows state, CDC and OSHA recommendations.
Schools will continue distance learning and school athletics and activities are cancelled for the remainder of the school year.
No other plans have been announced.
The state senate is considering legislation that would require businesses to submit a plan to the state before being approved for reopening.
Plans for businesses have been announced with reopening plans.
Business Opening Plans -
Reopening plan: Phased re-opening and “Safer At Home” Order
Outline of plan:
Gov. Reeves is allowing businesses to reopen on Monday, 2020-4-27. Restrictions have been eased but include:
· Residents asked to stay home until 2020-5-11
· Groups of 10+ people are prohibited.
· Maintaining 6ft of distance is still required.
· Retail businesses are not allowed to allow more than 50% of their building's capacity.
· Restaurants allowed to resume takeout services.
· Gyms, barber shops, hair and nail salons and tattoo parlors are still prohibited.
· Dentists and Doctor’s Offices are allowed to perform elective and non-emergency procedures.
Reopening plan: Reopen after May 3rd
Outline of plan:
Businesses may start to reopen sometime after May 3rd, Exceptions are Kansas City (May 15th) and St. Louis City (closed indefinitely)
Reopening plan: Phased opening begins 2020-4-26 though residents are asked to minimize travel and to self-isolate for 14 days after traveling out of state.
Outline of plan:
2020-4-26: Retailers allowed to open with adherence to social distancing and hygiene guidelines. Places of worship allowed to resume attendance.
2020-5-4: Bars, restaurants, and casinos allowed to reopen with adherence to social distancing and hygiene guidelines.
Gyms, pools, movie theaters, and bowling alleys to remain closed.
Reopening plan: No Stay At Home Order Declared.
Outline of plan:
2020-4-9: The Governor issued an Executive order “21 Days to Keep Nebraska Healthy” Under this order, Nebraskans were encouraged to:
· Stay At Home
· Limit shopping to once per week
· Practice social distancing
· Helping older residents
2020-4-9: The Governor ordered all hair salons, tattoo parlors and strip clubs be closed through May 31.
Reopening plan: Phased Reopening
Outline of plan:
Stay at Home order will be extended
New Hampshire
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
New Jersey
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
New Mexico
Reopening plan: None published
Outline of Plan:
The governor has stated that it is too soon to reopen and that the current Situation of the state must be evaluated more before a plan can be developed.
New York
Reopening plan: Phased reopening based on a county by county level of hospitalizations, antibody testing, diagnostic testing and data on infection rates.
Outline of plan:
North Carolina
Reopening plan: Stay at Home Order extended till 5/8/2020
Outline of plan:
As of now only essential businesses will be permitted to remain open.
North Dakota
Reopening plan: Phased Opening beginning 2020-5-1
Outline of plan:
2020-5-1: Businesses that can adhere to a strict social distancing policy may reopen with differing policies for dine-in, gyms, and personal care businesses
Reopening plan: Phased Opening beginning 2020-5-1, Stay at home order extended
Outline of plan:
2020-5-1 - Hospital procedures that do not require an overnight stay will resume
2020-5-4 - Construction, manufacturing, and offices will resume if social distancing and hygiene protocol can be maintained. Jobs that can be done at home are encouraged to do so. Businesses are required to conduct daily health screenings, wear masks at all times, practice hygiene and social distancing, limit the sharing of work material, stagger the arrival of employees, and frequently disinfect public and work areas.
2020-5-12 Retailers and service-based businesses will be allowed to reopen. Guests must enter facility staggered with 6ft in between, wear masks at all times, disinfect high contact surfaces hourly, and merchandise cleaned before restocking. Food courts will remain closed.
Reopening plan: Phased Opening beginning 2020-4-24
Outline of plan:
2020-4-24: Personal care businesses allowed to open with proper hygiene and social distancing protocol adherence
2020-5-1: Dine in restaurants, movie theaters, sporting venues, gyms, and places of worship are allowed to open with proper hygiene and social distancing protocol adherence.
Bars and nightclubs to remain closed.
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
Reopening plan: Gradual opening beginning 2020-5-1
Outline of plan:
· Red Phase (determined by cases) Stay at Home Orders in place, prohibition on large gatherings, carry out only for restaurants
· Yellow Phase (determined by cases) Gatherings of 25 people would be allowed, in-person retail would be allowed
· Green Phase (determined by cases) aggressive mitigation orders would be lifted
Southeast and Northeast parts of the state are to be considered for a move from red to yellow first with a projected date of May 8th.
· Outdoor recreation (golf courses, marinas, guided fishing trips, and privately owned campgrounds may open
· Construction projects may resume.
Regional openings will be announced for 2020-5-11
Rhode Island
Reopening plan: Phased reopening
Outline of plan:
Phase 1: Resuming business and social activity on a limited basis with certain restrictions still in place. Social gatherings limited to 10 people, masks, hand-washing, and increased cleaning remain in place. Adults 65+ and vulnerable people are encouraged to stay at home. 6ft social distancing protocol enforced.
Some parks begin to reopen with strong social distancing guidelines.
Elective medical procedures resume under new safety protocols. Primary care and community health providers remain open. Other allied health professions reopen with updated safety protocols, pilot reopening of dentists’ offices under strict new regulations.
· Limited childcare options are available with strong social distancing guidelines, school buildings remain closed, and distance learning continues.
· Retail locations allow in-store pickup of pre-orders, there is potential for allowing browsing under new restrictions.
· Offices should emphasize remote work but can allow limited numbers of employees on site in accordance with new guidelines. Manufacturers and construction sites continue operations under existing and evolving guidance.
· Restaurants remain open for pickup, delivery, and drive-through (with offerings modestly expanded), pilots of seated dining begin, including outdoor dining.
· Pilot openings of hair salons and barbers begin with significant restrictions to protect public health and safety.
Phase 2: Trying new models for business and social distancing. Resuming more business and social activity on a limited basis with certain restrictions still in place. Social gatherings limited to 15 people, masks, hand-washing, and increased cleaning remain in place. Adults 65+ and vulnerable people are encouraged to stay at home. 6ft social distancing protocol enforced.
· Expanded childcare options will be available under strict public health guidelines
· More restaurants, retail and close-contact businesses like hair and nail salons may open.
· More parks, beaches, and additional recreational options will likely return including but restrictions remain.
· Offices may ease capacity restrictions allowing more people to come in, but many people will still work from home.
Phase 3: Businesses opened with new guidelines. Social gatherings limited to 50 people, masks, hand-washing, and increased cleaning remain in place. Adults 65+ and vulnerable people are encouraged to stay at home. 6ft social distancing protocol enforced.
· Schools reopening with restrictions.
· Offices, restaurants, retail and other businesses may lift some of the tightest restrictions to allow more people in at one time but will need to operate under long-term safety guidelines.
· Work from home is encouraged when possible.
South Carolina
Reopening plan: planning to reopen some retail stores as of 4/20/2020
Outline of plan:
Retail stores that will be allowed to reopen include:
· Furniture
· Clothing
· Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores
· Department stores
· Sporting goods stores
· Book, craft, and music stores
· Flea markets
· Florists
public access points including beaches, public piers, docks, and wharfs will be reopened as well
South Dakota
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
Reopening plan: Phased reopening beginning 2020-4-27
Outline of plan:
A vast majority of businesses will be allowed to reopen May 1st, some may be permitted to open as soon April 27th.
2020-4-27: Restaurants allowed to reopen at with 50% capacity, face masks worn, and federal guidelines for hygiene.
2020-4-29: Retailers allowed to reopen at with 50% capacity, face masks worn, and federal guidelines for hygiene.
Counties that are not allowing re-opening currently: Davidson, Shelby, Know, Madison, Hamilton, and Sullivan
Reopening plan: Phased reopening beginning 5/1/2020
Outline of plan:
Phase 1 of the plan to:
1. Businesses, including stores, restaurants, and movie theaters, will be allowed to open at 25% Capacity if they can maintain social distancing policies.
2. Masks are encouraged but not required
3. Doctors and Dentists can resume normal operations
4. Food courts, play areas and interactive displays or settings must remain closed.
5. Outdoor sports may resume with no more than 4 participants and if they can maintain social distancing protocol.
6. Massage parlors, hair salons, barber shops, gyms, bars, bowling alleys and arcades, will not open until mid-May.
Additional changes will be announced after 5/18/2020
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
Reopening plan: Phased opening beginning 2020-4-27
Outline of plan:
· Outdoor, construction, and recreation maintenance businesses and work are allowed to operate with a maximum of 5 workers per site or location.
· Manufacturing and distribution operations are allowed to operate with a maximum of 5 workers per site or location.
· Interior construction of uninhabited structures is allowed to operate with a maximum of 5 workers per site or location.
· Outdoor retail business space can allow in-person shopping with a maximum of 10 total people, including both employees and customers.
· Farmers markets are allowed to open with restrictions for hygiene and social distancing.
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
West Virginia
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
Reopening plan: Safer At Home Order takes effect 2020-4-29
Outline of plan:
2020-4-29: Curb-side or drop off businesses and outdoor recreational rental businesses may resume with the following policy: one person at a time in a confined space at a time. Services must be paid by phone or online. Customers are not permitted to enter the business. Drop-offs and pick-ups are scheduled ahead of time. Non-essential businesses are to operate at a minimum basic level. Automatic or self-service car washes are allowed to open if high-touch surfaces can be cleaned and disinfected between use.
2020-5-1: Several parks, forests, and recreational areas will be open under social distancing and hygiene requirements and an annual park sticker or trail pass will be required.
Reopening plan:
Outline of plan:
Phase 1 (requires a 14 day trend of lowering numbers):
1. Schools to resume classroom instruction.
2. Restaurants that apply appropriate precautions allowed to open.
3. Groups of 10 people allowed.
Phase 2 (requires a 14 day trend of lowering number):
1. Restaurants to resume normal activity
2. Groups of 50 people allowed.
3. Bars and non-essential businesses that apply appropriate precautions allowed to reopen.
4. Universities and Colleges allowed to resume.
Phase 3 (requires a 14 day trend of lowering number):
1. All businesses will be able to resume operations.
2. No size limits on groups.
3. Minimal protective and preventative measures for people at risk of becoming seriously ill.
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