VeriFacts Automates Disaster Strategies with ContactRelief
With approximately 100 outbound contact professionals making upwards of 5,000 call attempts per day, VeriFacts found that its manually driven disaster operations processes came with numerous opportunities for improvement. Looking for ways to maximum contact outreach and improve disaster-related efficiencies, VeriFacts turned to ContactRelief for help.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019 22:04:20 +00:00
During its 30+ year history, VeriFacts has worked to have its name synonymous with quality. A trusted partner in the financial services industry, VeriFacts boasts 100 percent accuracy in its location validation services. But perfection was coming at a price.
With approximately 100 outbound contact professionals making upwards of 5,000 call attempts per day, VeriFacts found that its manually driven disaster operations processes came with numerous opportunities for improvement. While the company initially addressed these concerns through an internal disaster management portal, it quickly realized this system was too limiting and wasn't a desirable solution to maintain overall business performance.
Manual, time-consuming processes create inefficiencies and doubt
Recognizing the brand and compliance implications associated with outbound contact strategies during disasters, VeriFacts knew it needed to develop disaster response processes that aligned to corporate and customer goals. But these initiatives were bringing to light areas for improvement, opportunities to reduce labor time, and needs for more timely and efficient decisions.
“Our past process was manual and time consuming, resulting in an inefficient solution. This is especially true when it came to an unexpected event such as a mass shooting or a fire.” said Rebecca Garland, VeriFacts' VP of Compliance and Business Development.
In addition to manual disaster monitoring processes, VeriFacts also recognized the opportunity to improve its internal disaster management portal, which recorded disaster strategy recommendations for the team to review. “The system suppressed contacts at the state level,” explained Garland.“ Our business model needed a more granular solution.”
With a quickly growing business, VeriFacts could not continue operating a system that eliminated entire states during a disaster. Likewise, it needed the assurance its disaster monitoring was not going to miss unexpected disasters.
Automatic notifications enable quicker, better decisions
Looking for ways to maximum contact outreach and improve disaster-related efficiencies, VeriFacts turned to ContactRelief for help.
ContactRelief's Disaster Decision Engine delivered speed and efficiencies to VeriFacts' disaster operations. Gone are the days of manually monitoring news feeds for breaking alerts, replaced by automated notifications delivered from ContactRelief's Disaster Decision Engine to VeriFact's secure FTP server.
In addition to these automatic notifi cations, VeriFacts also benefi ts from hyper-focused call suppression tactics, which allow the team to make recommendations at the zip code level, replacing the existing state-wide suppressions. Finally, ContactRelief provides email notifications of all implemented suppression tactics, providing management with full visibility into executed strategies and effectively bringing assurance to its disaster operations.
Partnership brings visibility and peace of mind
Through ContactRelief's disaster monitoring platform, VeriFacts found efficiencies and scale since the automated solution could remove manual disaster monitoring processes, provide hyper-focus outreach suppression recommendations and bring peace of mind to its brand and compliance concerns.
“The visibility has been key,” said Andrew House, VeriFacts' EVP and Chief Security Officer. “We receive daily emails letting us know what is going on, how our customers are affected and what call suppressions should be implemented and lifted. This is critical in showing us how active disasters are directly affecting our operations.”
With disaster monitoring processes now fully automated, VeriFacts is realizing the benefits that ContactRelief has brought to the organization. In its first year together, House notes that the Disaster Decision Engine has tagged 1.3 million accounts with temporary suppression recommendations, which has supported VeriFacts' customer and business goals.
“When you're making manual phone calls, efficiency is key,” states Garland. “So being able to push out recommendations immediately with confidence ensures we meet our and our clients' business goals.”
Get in touch
Shaping your outbound contact away from disaster stricken areas isn't just the right thing to do, it's smart business. To learn more about how ContactRelief can help you protect your brand, reduce your risk of adverse actions, and improve your contact center efficiency, click below to contact us.
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